Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Mr.K ku kaku

Last sunday I met Mr.K. . We met at TBS. He is all the way from Terengganu heading to land below the wind. I fetch him and send him to klia2. The last time we met was about 10months ago during our friend wedding ceremony. And the story began...

Few weeks after the wedding reception, I received a wassap from Mr.K.  What a surprise to receive a text msg from him. It's around 8am when m on my way to work, in the train. So we chit chat for a while, while waiting to arrive at my station. Just a common text, how r u, how do u do, have u take ur breakfast, etc. And after that we seems to be quite close to each other. Until there is one time I received a msg from wechat. It was him. Saying I love you to me. At that time I tot he's joking. Few weeks later I still received the same text. I was so scared to received that such msg, somemore he's my fren. That thing doesn't stopped there. He kept texting me that words. I felt something not right. And I screencapt the mesej and forward to his wassap. Guess what he's saying? He said that wasn't him. Maybe someone used his wechat. Haha. So funny izzit? How come others can use your wechat? Unless, u let them play with ur phone. That will makes sense a bit lar. Since that day he shy2 to mesej me. I also shy2 to mesej him. Im not sure why m so shy. Do i love him? Or just filled my leisure time? Time flies so fast.

And last sunday we met. Few days before, he told me he wants to come to kl. I asked him why? Then he replied he wants to go back to hometown on Monday. Then without any delay I offered him to send him to epot. Hahhahaha.. tak malu me. Luckily he didn't reject my offer. If not sure malu besar punya. Then on Monday he fly back to his hometown. 1st flight in the morning. He sempat text me b4 take off to take care of myself. So sweet... hahaha.. Then at nite he text me.. we chit chat untill 11 kot. My eyes ngantuk edy. But then, today, he did not text me pon. Not a single text. M waiting for him. Aiyoooo.. so sad la like this.

Not sure whether he is the one or not. Dowan to mengharap so much. Dowan to jual mahal too much. Hahaha..

Ok Mr.K. . I hope u were fine there. Forget me not ya!

Much love, xoxo

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