Monday, July 17, 2017

What I hate the most in relationship;

What I hate the most in relationship; 

is.... the angau feeling. Do you know why? Angau memang asyik, it makes me feel happy at all time. As I will always smiling all-the-time. But the thing is, bila angau je my heart ache. Debar-debar je rasa. I couldn't focus on my job. Even my daily routine pon terganggu. Contoh, this morning, usually after breakfast and having a cup of coffee, I will go to the toilet untuk melunaskan hajat besar. And my favorite toilet is the second toilet. Selalunya before melepaskan hajat, I will flush the toilet first before use to ensure the toilet is ok to use. Tapi tadi pagi, aku terlupa nak flush dulu sebelum guna. Nasib baik toilet tu boleh guna. hahaha. Tu satu hal, lagi satu tadi sebelum submit kerja kat dept lain, selalunya aku akan list down kat buku dulu, tapi sebab pikiran ke lain, aku terus kasi je kerja tu without tulis list kat buku. Nasib baik orang tu engatkan aku balik untuk tulis. hehe. 

Makan tak kenyang (it's true! takda selera nk makan sebab asyikk sangat perasaan angau tu! )
Tidur tak lena (yes it is. tak puas tidur. macam rasa something)
Mandi tak basah (naa, nasib baik I mandi still basah)

Parah parah.. 

Oh ya, by the way, I've told my mum about his existence in my life. And Alhamdulillah, my mom is glad with this news. And we hope that he's the one for me. However, my mum reminds me to do not put so much hope in the beginning of this relationship. She don't want to see me upset and frustrated again. huhu. 

Ok then, see you when i see you.

**come to me, sayang sayang sayang- DSV
hahaaha..motif sangat kan 

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